The T-Pot™ - adding weights to a t-pot

Although all the T-Pot models are designed to operate on its own in waters with no tidal movement, however, additional weights are recommended when crabbing in flowing waters. The specially designed MA50 lead sinker weighs 50g each and from our testing, models MA680, MA640, MA460 and MA440 operate efficiently with just four pieces (one on each leg) whilst eight pieces for the MA860 and MA840 (two on each leg). More weights may be added to suit rougher conditions.

Besides using the MA50 lead sinker, other form of weights may be used on the T-Pot. However, it is necessary to ensure there are no sharp edges that may snag the nettings if other types of weight are used.

Step 1

Place split sinker on the lower section of the T-Pot leg.

Step 2

Use a pair of pliers to crimp the split sinker to each leg.
Recommended: Leave a gap in the split to salvage the sinker for recycling in case the pot is damaged beyond repair.


Step 3

Ensure the crimped sinker slide freely on the stainless steel leg of the T-Pot.



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